The New FTC: Should You Be Worried?
2021's Federal Trade Commission is taking its most aggressive posture in generations. "Revolutionaries have firmly taken over," opined former FTC Chair Tim Muris. From rescission of a policy current Commissioner's state represented FTC's "longstanding failure to pursue unfair methods of competition," to a bill before Congress to give the FTC broader power to impose monetary penalties, and beyond, keeping current on where the FTC is headed couldn't be more timely. Covington partners Laura Kim and John Graubert are well-positioned to give you their thoughts on what to look for in today's FTC. Laura served in the FTC for 12 years, primarily in the Bureau of Consumer Protection, which enforces against misleading or unfair advertising. John also has past service at FTC and co-chairs Covington's advertising and consumer protection practice group. Laura and John will give insights in a moderated conversation by CHPA's David Spangler.
Webinar Objectives
- Trends in advertising enforcement.
- Both what's in and prospects for H.R. 2668, a bill to provide FTC with greater authority to obtain injunctive and equitable relief in reaction to a Supreme Curt case issued in April finding FTC had over-reached in the past, and FTC's more aggressive posture in antitrust oversight.