A Medicare Advantage OTC Benefit Study

A Medicare Advantage OTC Benefit Study

Nearly 18 million seniors have access to a plan-funded and administered OTC benefit through their Medicare Advantage plans.  The benefit includes many OTC medicines as well as a broad number of consumer medical devices and select dietary supplements. Cary Badger and Zain Jafri will present the results of a first of its kind study, with a deep dive into three question areas.

Webinar Objectives

  • What are the basics of the Medicare Advantage marketplace?
  • What are the findings from an analysis of one regional plan’s data on enrollees who used the OTC benefit versus those who did not?
  • What are the opportunities for plans to shift from seeing the OTC benefit as a member acquisition tool to integrating the benefit into both customer satisfaction and care management strategies?  Just as important, how can product manufacturers engage with plans to help realize this potential?