Committee Membership

At the Self-Care Leadership Summit, or as soon thereafter as convenient, the CHPA chair appoints the chair, vice chair, and members of CHPA committees. If you are interested in serving on one of CHPA's committees, please contact Carla Stillwagon.

Committees, Task Groups, & Working Groups

The following is a list of our committees. Please click on the name of a committee below to view its description, officers and members.

Acetaminophen PR/Education Working GroupAcetaminophen PR/Education Working Group

Develops national program to educate patients and consumers on how to safely use medicines containing acetaminophen.

Acetaminophen Task GroupAcetaminophen Task Group

Audit CommitteeAudit Committee

The Audit Committee has responsibility for overseeing the accounting procedures of the Association, and reviews the audit and management letter, making any appropriate recommendations.

Board of DirectorsBoard of Directors

The CHPA Board of Directors is the governing body of the Association, with the full power to do any and all things necessary in conducting the business of the Association. The Board sets overall policy and direction for the Association.

Dietary Supplement CommitteeDietary Supplement Committee

The mission of the CHPA Dietary Supplements Committee (DSC) is to foster a science-driven, robust and predictable environment of regulations and technical and research standards to support the responsible manufacturing and marketing of safe, high quality dietary supplements.

DXM Task GroupDXM Task Group

Builds awareness of the dangers of teen cough medicine abuse through education, partnership programming, media, and community outreach.

Executive CommitteeExecutive Committee

The Executive Committee, a subcommittee of the Board of Directors, is composed of the Chair, the Chair-Elect, the immediate past Chair, and as many as ten additional persons appointed by the Chair from among the voting members of the Board. It considers problems arising between meetings of the Board of Directors, authorizes appropriate action, fixes staff compensation and its decisions and recommendations are reported to the next Board of Directors meeting.

Federal Government Affairs CommitteeFederal Government Affairs Committee

The Federal Government Affairs Committee (FGAC) is comprised of Washington representatives and government relations experts from CHPA member companies. The committee advises and assists CHPA staff in dealing with federal legislation and issues.

Finance CommitteeFinance Committee

The Finance Committee adopts ways and means to provide adequate revenues for the efficient and economical conduct of the affairs of the Association, including review and approval of the annual budget, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.

Health In Hand Foundation Board of DirectorsHealth In Hand Foundation Board of Directors

The Health in Hand Foundation Board of Directors. Members of the Health In Hand Foundation Board of Directors serve as governing bodies for the foundation's activities and financial health with fiduciary responsibility.

Legal CommitteeLegal Committee

The Legal Committee reviews matters involving legal issues across federal or state government agencies, and takes required action or provides recommendations to the Board of Directors.

Membership CommitteeMembership Committee

Mission: The Membership Committee endeavors to increase the membership of the Association and ensure that it has a strong representative base by enlisting the interest of persons, firms, and corporations who are eligible for membership. Committee member responsibilities: • Participate in 1 to 2 conference calls per year to: 1. Assist CHPA staff in identifying companies in the OTC and nutritional supplement industries as potential targets for Brand & Private Label and Contract Manufacturer Membership. 2. Assist CHPA staff in identifying companies that provide materials or services to the OTC and nutritional supplement industries as potential targets for Associate Membership. • Where possible secure an introduction for CHPA staff to targets for any and all member classes. 1. Where possible, provide counsel to CHPA staff on potential strategies to approach targeted members.

Nominating CommitteeNominating Committee

The Nominating Committee nominates candidates for officers and members of the Board of Directors.

NSAIDS Task GroupNSAIDS Task Group

Task group objective is to support access to OTC medicines containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines.

OTC Medical Devices CommitteeOTC Medical Devices Committee

Pediatric Cough/Cold - PR Task GroupPediatric Cough/Cold - PR Task Group

Promotes the safe use of pediatric cough and cold products in children four years of age and older through education.

Presidents' ForumPresidents' Forum

The Presidents’ Forum is made up of CEO’s from mid-small tier companies. The purpose of the Forum is to provide information, business-critical thought-leadership and insights, and opportunities for intra-member discussion on issues and concerns relevant to mid-small tier companies. The Presidents’ Forum helps recognize the unique business needs of these companies and ensures that they are as integrally engaged as their larger consumer healthcare counterparts. Additionally, the Forum is an environment where members can learn from each other’s experiences, forge relationships, and express concerns and issues to be added to CHPA’s general agenda.

Proposition 65 - Acetaminophen Task Group - GeneralProposition 65 - Acetaminophen Task Group - General

The purpose of this task group is to conduct and publish an up-to-date review of the literature regarding acetaminophen and cancer, to be available to the State of California (OEHHA) as they consider this chemical for listing as a carcinogen under Proposition 65.

PSE Task GroupPSE Task Group

Full PSE task group, made up from PSE Company Staff, PSE Federal, Pseudoephedrine Steering Committee, and PSE PR Task Group.

Public Affairs and Communications CommitteePublic Affairs and Communications Committee

The Public Affairs & Communications Committee considers communications, media, public relations, and public affairs matters affecting the consumer healthcare industry and advises the association on strategies to advance the visibility and interests of the industry.

Q/MFG Compendial AffairsQ/MFG Compendial Affairs

CHPA's QMC Compendial Subcommittee represents OTC interests on compendial issues by engaging in U.S. Pharmacopeial (USP) activities, conferences, and workshops. The group provides a delegate every five years to the USP Council of the Convention who helps develop and votes on resolutions that designate USP's next five year plan.

Q/MFG Stability SubcommitteeQ/MFG Stability Subcommittee

CHPA's QMC Stability Subcommittee evaluates current relevant issues that pertain to OTC drug product stability. This group provides a forum for development of industry-wide voluntary standards and procedures.

Quality & Manufacturing Committee (Q/MFG)Quality & Manufacturing Committee (Q/MFG)

The Quality & Manufacturing Committee (Q/MFG) represents over-the-counter (OTC) interests on manufacturing and quality issues by participating in activities that will lead to clear and reasonable regulation/guidance, based on risk analysis and science. The committee works proactively with USP and regulatory agencies to develop an environment where consumer healthcare firms are able to provide safe and high quality products in a cost-effective manner. In addition, the Q/MFG continues to support cGMP-related training programs and provides a forum for technical information exchange as a service to members of the consumer healthcare industry.

Regulatory & Scientific Affairs CommitteeRegulatory & Scientific Affairs Committee

The Regulatory & Scientific Affairs Committee (RSAC) works with FDA and other scientific and medical stakeholders to support consumer access to safe and effective OTC medicines and to manage issues confronting members.

Retail Advisory GroupRetail Advisory Group

The mission of the Retail Liaison Committee (RLC) is to help CHPA provide relevant industry information for the retailer community, and offer opportunity for mutual learning, understanding, and insights.

State & Local Government Affairs CommitteeState & Local Government Affairs Committee

The State & Local Government Affairs Committee (SGAC) is comprised of member company representatives who advise and assist the CHPA state & local government affairs staff on matters involving state and local legislation and regulations, provide a forum for discussion on emerging state issues relating to the regulation of OTCs and dietary supplements, and help determine CHPA's state & local government affairs priorities.